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DECC Press Notice: Green Deal inspiring energy saving action

Date: 25th June 2013 | By: admin

New research shows the Government’s Green Deal is inspiring people across the UK to install energy saving home improvements.

Research published today found that 47 per cent of households who had received a Green Deal advice report, following a Green Deal assessment, said they either had or were getting energy saving measures installed. A further 31 per cent said they would ‘definitely or probably’ install at least one measure. The research focused on those households having an assessment before the end of March 2013.

The assessment experience was also positive for the majority of households, with 75 per cent rating their usefulness as high, and 77 per cent having confidence in assessors’ recommendations.

68 per cent said their motivation for having an assessment was to save money and 38 per cent said they were motivated to reduce their energy use for environmental reasons.

Read the press notice and the research reports