Blog Article

Increased support for renewable heat

Date: 4th December 2013 | By: admin

The government response document ‘Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive: Improving support, increasing uptake’ has today been published, setting out a range of improvements and increased support under the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

This responds to the consultations:

  • Expanding the non-domestic scheme
  • Air to Water Heat Pumps and Energy from Waste
  • Non Domestic Scheme Early Tariff Review

It also addresses the outcome of four calls for evidence related to bio-propane, large biomass, ground source heat pumps and landfill gas.

Also published today are further details of the domestic RHI, related to budget management policy, phasing of legacy applications and treatment of some types of subsidy, as well as confirming the tariff for solar thermal at 19.2p/kWh, as per our commitment when publishing the domestic RHI policy in July 2013.




Further information