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UK Using Less Energy Despite Growing Economy

Date: 28th November 2015 | By: admin

UK Using Less Energy Despite Growing Economy

The UK is using less energy even though the economy is growing

Normally the more a county grows the more energy it consumes but new figures from the Governments statistics for the BBC New shows the average person in the UK today is using 10% less electricity than five years ago. Even when there is a current boom in large TC's, computers, smartphones and tablets.

The EU directives on household appliances have driven down energy consumption when people are doing the ames tasks.

For example a new A rated fridge freezer saves 73% of energy, compared to one 20 years older. This is a saving of £100 a year from a household energy bill.

The introduction of LED lighting is saving 29% electricity in 2003 compared to 2008. LED lighting also delivers an improved light and lasts longer.

UK Using Less Energy Despite Growing Economy

The EU is looking for further reductions and is now clamping down on inefficient vacuum cleaners. The tightening up of the standards is being driven by policy to improve energy security and reduce carbon emissions.

The UK Climate Change Committee said that the average household bill would have increased by an extra £165 between 2004 and 2013 if these energy savings had not been made. A fact that not many people know.

A report from the UK Committee on Climate Change said household bills would have increased by an extra £165 between 2004-2013 if the energy savings had not been made.

Another huge improvement that has made a big impact on energy consumption is the use of modern efficient gas boilers. Gas use for heat and hot water has dropped by 25%

Insulation has reduced energy demand too. The number of homes with loft and cavity wall insulation is up from 39% in 2004 to 67% in 2013.

Smart Office Energy Audit

How can you be part of the UK Using Less Energy Despite Growing Economy? You can save a lot of money by implementing some simple strategies in your home, office or factory by carrying out a energy audit. An energy audit will tell your where you are using the most energy and then how you can implement some simple changes and make large energy savings and more importantly save running costs and make more profit.

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