PAS 3003 – B4H Inc.

PAS 3003 – B4H Inc.

Date: 16th November 2020 | By: eft

“Above All, Cause No Harm”: A Building’s Pledge

The COVID-19 pandemic has heralded a new day for buildings. Before March 2020, the design and management of the indoor environment prioritized low energy consumption and high real estate values.

Suddenly this has shifted! The uncertainties around infectious disease transmission, mortality rates and our own immune systems have resulted in fear and confusion. On the brighter side, professionals in clinical medicine, microbiology and building design and management are now beginning to communicate.

A remaining question is how to design and manage buildings to not only decrease the threat of microbial pathogens such as COVID-19, but to also optimize the health and productivity of human occupants in all times.

The forward thinking, proposed PAS 3003 is essential to guide medical and building professionals in the creation of best practices for occupant heath. I fully support these efforts and am honored to be included in the committee.